5th International Conference on Networking

ICN 2006

April 23-28, 2006 - Mauritius

Call for Papers

The 2006 IEEE International Conference on Networking (ICN 2006) is organized and technically co-sponsored by IEEE/France, IEE, and by the International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA). ICN 2006 is organized by and for academic, research and industrial partners.

We solicit both academic, research , and industrial contributions. ICN 2006 will offer tutorials, plenary sessions, poster sessions, panels, and exhibition opportunities. The ICN 2006 Proceedings will be published by IEEE Press. Best papers will be forwarded for consideration in a special issue of a journal. A best paper award will be granted by the IARIA award selection committee.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Communication theory
2. Communications switching and routing
3. Communications modeling
4. Communications security
5. Computer communications
6. Distributed communications
7. Signal processing in communications
8. Multimedia and multicast communications
9. Wireless communications (satellite, WLL, 4G, Ad Hoc, sensor networks)
10. Next generation networks [NGN] principles
11. Storage area networks [SAN]
12. Access and home networks
13. High-speed networks
14. Optical networks
15. Peer-to-peer and overlay networking
16. Mobile networking and systems
17. MPLS-VPN, IPSec-VPN networks
18. GRID networks
19. Broadband networks
20. Quality of service, service level agreement [QoS/SLA]
21. Reliability, availability, serviceabiliy [RAS]
22. Traffic engineering, metering, monitoring
23. Voice over IP services
24. Performance evaluation, tools, simulation
25. Network, control and service architectures
26. Network signalling, pricing and billing
27. Network middleware
28. Telecommunication networks architectures
29. On-demand networks, utility computing architectures
30. Applications and case studies
31. NGN protocol design and evaluation
32. NGN Standard Activities [ITU, TMF, 3GPP, IETF, etc.]
33. NGN Device Instrumentation
34. Network Management, scheduling and policy
35. NGN policy-based control
36. Networks policy-based management
37. Management of autonomic networks and systems

These topics can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, standards, implementations, running experiments and applications.


Only .pdf or .doc files will be accepted for paper submission. All received papers will be acknowledged.

The files should be sent via http://www.iaria.org/conferences/SubmitICN06.html

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit full-length manuscripts for inclusion in the proceedings to be published in IEEE Press. Papers must be structured according to the instructions of IEEE. Authors Instructions and should not exceeding 10 pages. The formatting instructions can be found on the Instructions page.

The deadline for submission of the paper is October 24, 2005 with notification of acceptance by November 20, 2005. Submission of camera-ready paper is by December 15, 2005.

For more information please contact: [email protected]

Check our Web page at http://www.iaria.org/conferences/ICN06.html for the latest information concerning the conference. Best papers will be forwarded for consideration in a special issue of a journal.


Tutorials and workshops provide overviews of current high interest topics. Proposals for half of full day tutorials are due by October 10, 2005. ([email protected])

Workshop proposals

We welcome workshop proposals on issues complementary to the topics of this conference. Your requests should be forwarded to : [email protected] .


P. Dini (USA) - Cisco Systems, Inc.
P. Lorenz (France) - University of Haute Alsace


H. Adeli (USA) - OhioState University 
K. Al-Begain (UK) - University of Glamorgan 
P. Anelli (France) - University of La Reunion
E. Barnhart (USA) - Georgia Institute of Technology 
J. Ben Othman (France) - University of Versailles 
R. Bestak (Czech Republic) - Czech Technical University in Prague
B. Bing (USA) - Georgia Institute of Technology 
D. Bonyuet (USA) - Delta Search Labs 
J. Brito (Brazil) - INATEL 
M. Carli (Italy) - University of Roma TRE 
P. Chemouil (France) - France Telecom R&D 
M. Devetsikiotis (USA) - North Carolina State University 
P. Dini (USA) - Cisco Systems, Inc. 
P. Dommel (USA) - Santa Clara University 
Y. Donoso (Colombia) - University del Norte 
I. Elhanany (USA) - University of Tennessee 
A. Finger (Germany) - Dresden University of Technology 
M. Freire (Portugal) - University of Beira Interior 
E. Fulp (USA) - Wake Forest University 
B. Gavish (USA) - Southern Methodist University 
F. Granelli (Italy) - University of Trento 
H.Q. Guo (Singapore) - Institut for Infocomm Research
H. Guyennet (France) - University of Franche-Comte 
E. Hladka (Czech Republic) - Masaryk University
Z. Hulicki (Poland) - AGH University of Science and Technology
A. Jamalipour (Australia) - University of Sydney 
A.L. Jesus Teixeira (Portugal) - University of Aveiro 
N. Jordan (Austria) - Vienna University of Technology
N. Kettaf (France) - University of Haute Alsace
D. Khotimsky (USA) - Invento Networks 
R. Komiya (Malaysia) - Faculty of Information Technology
S. Kumar(USA) - University of Texas
J.C. Lapeyre (France) - University of Franche-Comte
M.H. Lee (Korea) - Chonbuk National University
P. Lorenz (France) - University of Haute Alsace 
A. Mellouk (France) - University of Paris XII
M.S. Obaida (USA) - Monmouth University
A. Pescape (Italy) - University of Napoli "Federico II"
D. Magoni (France) - University of Strasbourg 
Z. Mammeri (France) - University of Toulouse
S. Misra (Canada) - Carleton University
A. Molinaro (Italy) - University of Calabria 
H. Morikawa (Japan) - University of Tokyo 
H. Mouftah (Canada) - University of Ottawa 
A. Pandharipande (Korea) - Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
S. Recker (Germany) - IMST GmbH 
F. Ricci (USA) - The Catholic University of America 
J. Rodrigues (Portugal) - University of Beira Interior 
P. Rolin (France) - France Telecom R&D 
B. Sarikaya (Canada) - UNBC 
J. Soler-Lucas (Denmark) - Research Center COM 
S. Soulhi (Canada) - Ericsson Inc. 
V. Uskov (USA) - Bradley University
R. Valadas (Portugal) - University of Aveiro 
L. Vasiu (UK) - Wireless IT Research Centre 
E. Vazquez (Spain) - Technical University of Madrid 
D. Vergados (Greece) - University of the Aegean 
Q. Xia (UK) - Imperial College London
S. Yazbeck (USA) - Barry University 
V. Zaborovski (Russia) - Saint-Petersburg Politechnical University 
A. Zaslavsky (Australia) - Monash University 
H.J. Zepernick (Sweden) Blekinge Institute of Technology 


Full paper submission October 24, 2005
Authors Notification November 20, 2005
Camera ready, full papers due December 15, 2005

Copyright (c) 2006, IARIA