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The Fourth International Conference on Networking and Services

ICNS 2008

March 16-21, 2008 - Gosier, Guadeloupe

Call for Papers

The ICNS 2008 continues a series of events targeting general networking and services aspects in multi-technologies environments. The conference covers fundamentals on networking and services, and highlights new challenging industrial and research topics. Ubiquitous services, next generation networks, inter-provider quality of service, GRID networks and services, and emergency services and disaster recovery are considered.

IPv6, the Next Generation of the Internet Protocol, has seen over the past three years tremendous activity related to its development, implementation and deployment. Its importance is unequivocally recognized by research organizations, businesses and governments worldwide. To maintain global competitiveness, governments are mandating, encouraging or actively supporting the adoption of IPv6 to prepare their respective economies for the future communication infrastructures. In the United States, government’s plans to migrate to IPv6 has stimulated significant interest in the technology and accelerated the adoption process. Business organizations are also increasingly mindful of the IPv4 address space depletion and see within IPv6 a way to solve pressing technical problems. At the same time IPv6 technology continues to evolve beyond IPv4 capabilities. Communications equipment manufacturers and applications developers are actively integrating IPv6 in their products based on market demands.

IPv6 creates opportunities for new and more scalable IP based services while representing a fertile and growing area of research and technology innovation.  The efforts of successful research projects, progressive service providers deploying IPv6 services and enterprises led to a significant body of knowledge and expertise. It is the goal of this workshop to facilitate the dissemination and exchange of technology and deployment related information, to provide a forum where academia and industry can share ideas and experiences in this field that could accelerate the adoption of IPv6. The workshop brings together IPv6 research and deployment experts that will share their work. The audience will hear the latest technological updates and will be provided with examples of successful IPv6 deployments; it will be offered an opportunity to learn what to expect from IPv6 and how to prepare for it.

Packet Dynamics refers broadly to measurements, theory and/or models that describe the time evolution and the associated attributes of packets, flows or streams of packets in a network. Factors impacting packet dynamics include cross traffic, architectures of intermediate nodes (e.g., routers, gateways, and firewalls), complex interaction of hardware resources and protocols at various levels, as well as implementations that often involve competing and conflicting requirements.

Parameters such as packet reordering, delay, jitter and loss that characterize the delivery of packet streams are at times highly correlated.  Load-balancing at an intermediate node may, for example, result in out-of-order arrivals and excessive jitter, and network congestion may manifest as packet losses or large jitter. Out-of-order arrivals, losses, and jitter in turn may lead to unnecessary retransmissions in TCP or loss of voice quality in VoIP.

With the growth of the Internet in size, speed and traffic volume, understanding the impact of underlying network resources and protocols on packet delivery and application performance has assumed a critical importance.  Measurements and models explaining the variation and interdependence of delivery characteristics are crucial not only for efficient operation of networks and network diagnosis, but also for developing solutions for future networks.

Local and global scheduling and heavy resource sharing are main features carried by Grid networks. Grids offer a uniform interface to a distributed collection of heterogeneous computational, storage and network resources. Most current operational Grids are dedicated to a limited set of computationally and/or data intensive scientific problems.

Optical burst switching enables these features while offering the necessary network flexibility demanded by future Grid applications. Currently ongoing research and achievements refers to high performance and computability in Grid networks. However, the communication and computation mechanisms for Grid applications require further development, deployment and validation.

The conference has the following independents tracks:

ENCOT: Emerging Network Communications and Technologies

COMAN: Network Control and Management

SERVI: Multi-technology service deployment and assurance

NGNUS:  Next Generation Networks and Ubiquitous Services

MPQSI: Multi Provider QoS/SLA Internetworking

GRIDNS: Grid Networks and Services

EDNA: Emergency Services and Disaster Recovery of Networks and Applications

IPv6DFI: Deploying the Future Infrastructure

IPDy: Internet Packet Dynamics

GOBS: GRID over Optical Burst Switching Networks

We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, standards, implementations, running experiments and applications. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited topic areas. Industrial presentations are not subject to these constraints. Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged. 

The following track topics are expected to be covered (but not limited to):

ENCOT: Emerging Network Communications and Technologies

Access and home networks
Ad hoc networks
Application-specific networks (e.g. SANs)
Autonomic Networks
Delay-tolerant Networking
Distributed communications systems & applications
Energy-efficient networking
High-speed & optical networks
Mobile networking and systems
MPLS-VPN & IPSec-VPN networks
Multimedia and multicast communications
Networking Communication theory
Network modeling & simulation
Network monitoring techniques
Network security
Next Generation Networks (NGN)
Overlay networks
Peer-to-peer networking
Programmable and Active Networks
Sensor networks
Switching and routing
Wireless and Satellite Networks

COMAN: Network Control and Management

Network, control and service architectures
Network signaling, pricing and billing
Network middleware
Network management, monitoring and control
Network resource scheduling
Networks policy-based management
Management of autonomic networks and systems
Telecommunication networks architectures
On-demand networks, utility computing architectures
Applications and case studies

SERVI: Multi-technology service deployment and assurance

Service-oriented architectures
Service definition, creation, bundling, deployment
Service reuse, composition and service feature interaction
Service orchestration and federation
Inter-provider service dependency
Intra-provider service dependency and service interaction
Service middleware and service development platforms (SDPs)
Service open architecture (SOA)
Profiling and service adaptation
Service privacy and security
Quality of service, service level agreement [QoS/SLA]
Service agreement violations
Mobile services and service migration
Reliability, availability, serviceability [RAS]
Service performance metrics
Traffic engineering, metering, monitoring
Voice over IP services
IP Multimedia services
Real-time/not-real-rime services; real-time services over IP/IPv6
Service performance evaluation, tools, simulation

NGNUS:  Next Generation Networks and Ubiquitous Services

Methodologies, development support, and tools for NGN and converging services
NGN and convergence of ubiquitous services
NGN frameworks, architectures, and concepts
NGN technologies and mechanisms
QoS/SLA, traffic in NGN
NGN transport/service layered capabilities and operations
NGN concepts for active, ad hoc, mobile, and wireless networks
3G and 4G Mobile networks
Fixed/mobile networks integration and internetworking
Services and service differentiation over NGN
Managing ubiquitous services in NGN
NGN interworking, non-NGN interoperability, migration
Regulatory services in NGN and standard activities
NGN device instrumentation
NGN policy-based control
Next Generation Internet

MPQSI: Multi Provider QoS/SLA Internetworking

Architectures, frameworks, mechanisms for admission control and measurement
QoS in multi-provider and multi-technology networks
Service classes and multi-provider service class discovery
Service level agreement and service assurance in multi-provider environments
Carrier-class end-to-end SLA and QoS monitoring and management
Multi provider accounting/billing/cost sharing
Management, monitoring, and measurements in multi-provider networks
End-to-end QoS/SLA advanced network services in multi-provider networks
End-to-end QoS/SLA for multimedia applications and services in multi-provider networks
Security issues in multi-service provider networks
Business models for multi-providers under QoS/SLA constraints
Standards and fora activities

GRIDNS: Grid Networks and Services

GRID theory, frameworks, methodologies, architecture, ontology
GRID infrastructure and technologies
GRID middleware
GRID protocols and networking
GRID computing, utility computing, autonomic computing, metacomputing
Programmable GRID
Context ontology and management in GRIDs
Distributed decisions in GRID networks
GRID services and applications
Virtualization, modeling, and metadata in GRID
Resource management, scheduling, and scalability in GRID
GRID monitoring, control, and management
Traffic and load balancing in GRID
User profiles and priorities in GRID
Performance and security in GRID systems
Fault tolerance, resilience, survivability, robustness in GRID
QoS/SLA in GRID networks
GRID fora, standards, development, evolution
GRID case studies, validation testbeds, prototypes, and lessons learned

EDNA: Emergency Services and Disaster Recovery of Networks and Applications

Theory on disaster-tolerant robust networks
Recovery by disruption resource procedures
Security issues with emergency services and disaster recovery
Networks resiliency methods
Formal methods for safety-critical systems
Networks emergency services
Public safety, reliable emergency communications, and applications
Response to the networks emergency services
Disaster prevention and recovery
Fighting mechanisms for disaster of networks and applications
Notifications and recovery in various network technologies
Customer protection and serviceability perception
Cost models and business impact
Cultural and legal aspects
Future advanced network development and evolution
Standards and guidelines
Lawful interception and defense strategies

IPv6DFI: Deploying the Future Infrastructure

IP Upgrade - An Engineering Exercise or a Necessity?
Worldwide IPv6 Adoption - Trends and Policies
National Strategies in Stimulating IPv6 Adoption
IPv6 in Government Infrastructures - Specific Requirements
IPv6 Infrastructures for Emergency Response and Law Enforcement - MetroNet6
Communications Equipment Certification for IPv6 Support
IPv6 in Broadband Networks
IPv6 Programs, from Research to Knowledge Dissemination
IPv6 Technology - Practical Information
Advanced Topics and Latest Developments in IPv6
IPv6 Deployment Experiences and Case Studies
IPv6 Enabled Applications and Devices

IPDy: Internet Packet Dynamics

Measurement of stream characteristics (reordering, delay, losses, jitter, etc.)
Measurement and estimation of network characteristics
Tools, metrics and benchmarks
End-to-end packet dynamics
Timing aspects in packet dynamics
Impact of load balancing, parallelism within nodes, etc. on packet dynamics
QoS mechanisms and their impact on packet dynamics
Models (e.g., relating protocols, resources and architectures to packet dynamics)
Mitigation of adverse effects of reordering, jitter, etc.
Traffic engineering
Impact of packet dynamics on application performance

GOBS: GRID over Optical Burst Switching Networks

Terabit burst switching
Burst assembly for IP DiffServ over optical burst switching networks
Optical network infrastructure for Grid
Synchronous stream optical burst switching
Optical burst switching based GRID architecture
Reliable optical burst switching for next-generation Grid networks
Throughput for Grid optical burst switching Grid networks.
Resiliency paths over the optical Grid networks
Consumer oriented Grids using optical burst switching
Protocols for optical burst switched Grid networks
Hybrid optical switching for data-intensive media Grid
Anycast routing in optical burst switched Grid networks
Optical burst switching for IP-over-WDM/DWDM
Customizable Grid-to-optical network
Ultra high capacity optical networks
Hybrid optical burst/circuit switched for Grid-enabled optical networks
Job scheduling in optical burst switching Grid networks
Architecture and middleware for Grid-Over-OBS


The ICNS 2008 Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services and on-line via IEEE XPlore Digital Library. IEEE will index the papers with major indexes.

Important deadlines:

Full paper submission October 5, 2007 October 16, 2007
Authors notification November 15, 2007 November 18, 2007
Registration and camera ready December 5, 2007

Only .pdf or .doc files will be accepted for paper submission. All received papers will be acknowledged via the EDAS system.

Final author manuscripts will be 8.5" x 11" (two columns IEEE format), not exceeding 6 pages; max 4 extra pages allowed at additional cost. The formatting instructions can be found on the Instructions page. Helpful information for paper formatting can be found on the here.

Once you receive the notification of paper acceptance, you will be provided by the IEEE CS Press an online author kit with all the steps an author needs to follow to submit the final version. The author kits URL will be included in the letter of acceptance.

Technical marketing/business/positioning presentations

The conference initiates a series of business, technical marketing, and positioning presentations on the same topics. Speakers must submit a 10-12 slide deck presentations with substantial notes accompanying the slides, in the .ppt format (.pdf-ed). The slide deck will be published in the conference’s CD collection, together with the regular papers. Please send your presentations to [email protected].


Tutorials provide overviews of current high interest topics. Proposals can be for half or full day tutorials. Please send your proposals to [email protected]

Panel proposals:

The organizers encourage scientists and industry leaders to organize dedicated panels dealing with controversial and challenging topics and paradigms. Panel moderators are asked to identify their guests and manage that their appropriate talk supports timely reach our deadlines. Moderators must specifically submit an official proposal, indicating their background, panelist names, their affiliation, the topic of the panel, as well as short biographies.

For more information, [email protected]

Workshop proposals

We welcome workshop proposals on issues complementary to the topics of this conference. Your requests should be forwarded to [email protected].


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