Submit a Paper

The Sixth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications

ICWMC 2010

September 20-25, 2010 - Valencia, Spain

Call for Papers

The Sixth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 2010) in Spain follows on the previous events on advanced wireless technologies, wireless networking, and wireless applications.

ICWMC 2010 addresses wireless related topics concerning integration of latest technological advances to realize mobile and ubiquitous service environments for advanced applications and services in wireless networks. Mobility and wireless, special services and lessons learnt from particular deployment complement the traditional wireless topics.

We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of topics, short papers on work in progress, workshops and panel proposals.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, standards, implementations, running experiments and applications. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

Industrial presentations are not subject to these constraints. We expect short and long presentations that express industrial position and status.  

Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged. 

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.  All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions.

Wireless Communications Basics

Coding & modulation & equalization,
Channel modeling and characterization
Transform-domain communication
Multiple access algorithms and schemes
Antenna and RF subsystems
Smart antennas, adaptive antennas, MIMO and beam forming
MIMO and OFDM Based PHY Layer technologies
CDMA Systems

Radio Interfaces and Systems

Radio communications systems
Radio resource management
Radio transmission technologies
Power and interference control
Interference Cancellation for Wireless Mobile Systems
Power management for small terminals
Energy map
Channel Measurement and Characterization

Spectrum Allocation and Management

Spectrum efficiency analyses
Dynamic spectrum access networks
Spectrum management
Interference mitigation and management techniques 

Circuits for Wireless Communications

Wireless ASICs
Wireless technologies
RF Design issues

Wireless and Mobility

Mobility management
Location-based services and positioning
Micro and macro-mobility
Mobility, location and handoff management
Mobile and wireless IP
Wireless broadband mobile access
Routing in multihop, ad hoc and sensor networks
Wireless multicasting
Wireless mesh networks
Topology control in wireless

Protocols for wireless and mobility

Wireless protocols, architectural and design concepts
Protocols for air interfaces and networks
Wireless MAC protocols: Design and analysis
Transport layer issues in mobile and wireless networks
Middleware for handhelds and mobile services nodes
Proxies and middleware for wireless networks 

Traffic and congestion control, QoS, Resource Management

Traffic Modeling and Analysis
3G/4G Bandwidth on Demand
QoS and mobility
End-to-end QoS
QoS profiling and pricing,
Traffic Engineering
Congestion and admission control 

Wireless and mobile technologies

Wireless LANs
Home and Personal Area Networks: Bluetooth, ZigBeee, etc
Wireless MANs:802.16, 802.20
Wireless WANs: 2G/3G/4G
Mobile ad hoc networks and multi-hop wireless
Sensor networks and applications
Ultra-wideband and short-range networks
High altitude platforms and satellites
Emergency wireless communications
Wireless real-time communications 

Performance Evaluation, Simulation and Modeling of wireless networks and systems

Performance and QoS in wireless networks
Radio channel modeling (wave propagation and measurements)
Mobile/wireless networks modeling and simulation
Performance of end-to-end protocols over wireless networks 

Management of wireless and mobile networks

Mobility and QoS management
Billing technologies and tools
Policy Based Management in wireless LANS and MANs
Wireless and Mobile Network Planning
Mobile Database Access and Design

Security in wireless and mobile environment

Security and robustness in wireless networks
Privacy, Authentication Authorization and Accounting  (AAA)
Encryption and Cryptography
Key Management Protocols
Digital Rights Management and Multimedia Protection

Networks convergence and integration

2G/3G/4G integration
Convergence of 3G wireless and Internet cross-layer design in wireless networks
WLAN/3G/4G integration
Wireless-wireline convergence
Heterogeneous Networks (WAN, Wireless MAN, WLAN)
IP Multimedia subsystems (IMS)
Next Generation Network Architecture- mobility issues
Coexistence of mobile radio networks
End to End QoS in Heterogeneous environment
Signaling for integrated wireline/wireless networks 

Applications and services based on wireless infrastructures

Mobile & Wireless applications & services
Service discovery: protocols and frameworks
Personalized services and applications
Audio-visual and mobile multimedia applications
Media and content distribution over wireless networks 

Standardization and regulations

Position on standards & fora on wireless and mobile networks
Wireless Networks Standards and Protocols
Communications regulations
802.11 WLAN Standards
802.16 WMAN Standards
3GPP and 3GPP2 standards
HSDPA Technology and Standards
Next Generation Network standards 

Design and  implementation

Emerging wireless technologies
Cross-layer optimizations in wireless networks
Design and implementation of mobile information systems
Software defined radio and re-configurability
Joint PHY/MAC design 

Wireless and mobile network deployment

Enterprise mobility strategy
Business models on wireless networks
Market trends and regional developments
Lessons learnt for wireless deployment in schools
Lessons learnt for wireless deployment in special regions
Specialized wireless networks
Heterogeneous wireless network deployment (e.g., combining 802.11, 802.16 and 3G networks)

Cooperative and Cognitive Vehicular Networks

Architectures and platforms of cognitive vehicular network
Distributed artificial intelligence techniques for cognitive networks
Cognitive vehicular routing metrics and supporting protocols
Reduced complexity cognitive networks
Physical and MAC layer issues
Protocols design for cognitive vehicular networks
Cross-layer optimization in cognitive networks
Security issues for vehicular and cognitive networks
Testbed experiment, applications and new advances
Cooperative vehicular networks
QoS provisioning in heterogeneous networks
Managing vertical handover; Multihoming
IPv6 GeoNetworking
Vehicular network architectures and protocols
Cross-layer design and optimization for vehicular networks and cognitive networks
Mobility management and topology control
Standardization and Development of vehicular networks

Convergence and social mobility

Convergence of mobile networks with the Web 2.0
Convergence on architecture and services
Open service capabilities
Open exposure of telco capabilities
Open Web APIs, SOA and SDP)
Interworking strategies
Mobile terminals as sources for User-generated content
Architecture and services for user-generated content
Auto-description and metadata synthesis for telecom-generated for user-generated content
Social mobile networks
User behavior profiling
Social connections (social graphs, contacts, etc)
Services and architectures/solutions for social mobile services


Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to one of the IARIA Journals.

Publisher: CPS (see:
Archived: IEEE CSDL (Computer Science Digital Library) and IEEE Xplore
Submitted for indexing: Elsevier's EI Compendex Database, EI’s Engineering Information Index
Other indexes are being considered: INSPEC, DBLP, Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index

Important deadlines:

Due to late reviews, the notification is moved to June 2nd, 2010
Submission (full paper) April 20, 2010 May 4 , 2010
Notification May 25, 2010 June 3 , 2010
Registration June 17, 2010
Camera ready June 17, 2010

Only .pdf or .doc files will be accepted for paper submission. All received papers will be acknowledged via an automated system.

Final author manuscripts will be 8.5" x 11", not exceeding 6 pages; max 4 extra pages allowed at additional cost. The formatting instructions can be found on the Instructions page. Helpful information for paper formatting can be found on the here.

Your paper should also comply with the additional editorial rules.

Once you receive the notification of paper acceptance, you will be provided by the publisher an online author kit with all the steps an author needs to follow to submit the final version. The author kits URL will be included in the letter of acceptance.


Posters are welcome. Please submit the contributions following the instructions for the regular submissions using the "Submit a Paper" button and selecting the contribution type as poster.  Submissions are expected to be 6-8 slide deck. Posters will not be published in the Proceedings. One poster with all the slides together should be used for discussions. Presenters will be allocated a space where they can display the slides and discuss in an informal manner. The poster slide decks will be posted on the IARIA site.

For more details, see the Posters explanation page.

Work in Progress

Work-in-progress contributions are welcome. Please submit the contributions following the instructions for the regular submissions using the "Submit a Paper" button and selecting the contribution type as work in progress.  Authors should submit a four-page (maximum) text manuscript in IEEE double-column format including the authors' names, affiliations, email contacts. Contributors must follow the conference deadlines, describing early research and novel skeleton ideas in the areas of the conference topics. The work will be published in the conference proceedings.

For more details, see the Work in Progress explanation page

Technical marketing/business/positioning presentations

The conference initiates a series of business, technical marketing, and positioning presentations on the same topics. Speakers must submit a 10-12 slide deck presentations with substantial notes accompanying the slides, in the .ppt format (.pdf-ed). The slide deck will not be published in the conference’s CD Proceedings. Presentations' slide decks will be posted on the IARIA's site. Please send your presentations to [email protected].


Tutorials provide overviews of current high interest topics. Proposals should be for three hour tutorials. Proposals must contain the title, the summary of the content, and the biography of the presenter(s). The tutorials' slide decks will be posted on the IARIA's site. Please send your proposals to [email protected]

Panel proposals:

The organizers encourage scientists and industry leaders to organize dedicated panels dealing with controversial and challenging topics and paradigms. Panel moderators are asked to identify their guests and manage that their appropriate talk supports timely reach our deadlines. Moderators must specifically submit an official proposal, indicating their background, panelist names, their affiliation, the topic of the panel, as well as short biographies. The panel's slide deck will be posted on the IARIA's site.

For more information, [email protected]

Workshop proposals

We welcome workshop proposals on issues complementary to the topics of this conference. Your requests should be forwarded to [email protected].


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