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The Ninth International Conference on Advances in
Satellite and Space Communications

April 23 - 27, 2017 - Venice, Italy

Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistics Supporters
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  • Colocated with other events part of NexComm 2017
  • Posters will be presented during the conference
  • A Work in Progress track is available for preliminary work
  • A Research Ideas track is available for ideas in early stages
  • A Doctoral Forum track is available for discussing and publishing early PhD thesis research
Submission (full paper)

Dec. 5 January 18, 2017


February 20 February 26, 2017


March 5 March 10, 2017

Camera ready

March 15, 2017

ISSN: 2308-4480
ISBN: 978-1-61208-545-6

Published by IARIA XPS Press

Archived in the free access ThinkMindTM Digital Library
Prints available at Curran Associates, Inc.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal
Articles will be submitted to appropriate indexes.

conference contact: [email protected]

All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.


Signal processing in telecommunications

Signal processing theory and practice; Advances in modulation and coding; Image and multidimensional signal processing; Signal filter design and structures; Multirate filtering, filter banks, and adaptive filters; Fast signal processing algorithms; Nonlinear signals and systems; Nonuniform transformation; 2D nonuniform DFT; Fast algorithm of NDFT; Advanced image/video coding; Advanced prediction techniques; Signal detection and reconstruction; Spectral estimation and time-frequency analysis; Higher order spectrum analysis; Parameter estimation; Array signal processing; Statistical signal analysis; Signal and system modeling; Cyclostationary signal analysis; Active noise control, active noise reduction and echo cancellation; Psychoacoustics and room acoustics; Signal processing for music; Binaural systems and multidimensional signal systems; Geophysical and seismic signal processing; Nonlinear interpolation/resampling; Extensions to wavelet based coding (x-lets); Low complexity image/video compression; Multiple resolution signal processing; New approach to digital signal processing; Compression of random data; Recompression of compressed data; 2D projection of 3D data; Stereo data matching; Emerging applications requiring new compression tools; Unified compression and recognition; H.264 and latest video coding standards; Latest audio coding standards

Remote spatial sensing

Remote sensing technology and geographic information system (GIS); Remote sensing computation applications; Optical communication for remote sensing; High performance computing for remote sensing; Lidar technology in remote sensing; Satellites and remote sensing; Geolocation of radio frequency signals; Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image process modeling; Quality of remote data (spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal resolutions); Remote sensing tools and software; Sensor calibration; Applications of remote sensing; Remote sensing for solar energy forecasting; Turbulence modeling and simulation; Climate prediction models

Antenna/Radar signal processing

Signal detection and estimation; RF engineering; Active filters; Analog and digital filters; Oscillator circuit design; Circuit design for high-speed frequency synthesis; Statistical and adaptive signal processing; Computational electrodynamics; Signal processing for sensing systems; RFID and MMIC design principles and applications; Microstrip circuit design and applications; Design and analysis of microwave radiometer systems; Modem microwave; System-in-package RF design and applications

Satellite and space communications

Earth-space communications; MIMO satellite communications; Hybrid satellite and terrestrial networks; Access Schemes; Demand Assignment Multiple Access (DAMA); Cross-layer air interface design; Channel models; Navigation services; Reliable multicast protocols; Transport protocol performance over satellite; IP over satellite Routing protocols; Game theory applications in satellite networks; Onboard switching and processing technologies; QoS and performance; Call admission control schemes; Dynamic bandwidth allocation; Adjacent and terrestrial interference; Fade mitigation techniques; Advanced channel modeling; Security, privacy, and trust; Radio resource management; IT application in Space Communications; Standards activities

Delay Tolerant Networking

Use of DTN protocols in space missions; DTN for PI/instrument connectivity; Routing for DTNs; Performance and reliability of DTN protocols

Satellites and nano-satellites

Satellite communications (hybrid satellites and terrestrial networks); Special protocols for nano-satellites; Onboard processing technology; Interplanetary communications (spatial mission analysis, in-flight experiences, delay tolerant networking [DTN]); Nano satellites and nano-rockets; Fundamental of nano-satellites communications; New technologies specific for small satellites; Applications (earth observation, science, telecommunications, navigation); New technologies; Satellite constellation design

Geographic Information and applications

Geographic information systems; Earth observation; Global positioning systems; Digital terrain modeling; Principles of GNSS, inertial and multi-sensor integrated navigation systems; GNSS applications; Spectrum systems for GNSS; GNSS devices for weak signals; Wireless positioning technologies and applications; Modern tracking systems; Satellite navigation (GPS, Galileo, augmentation systems); Visibility analysis of a satellite, or satellite constellation

Remote sensing

Remote Sensing Technology and Geographic Information System (GIS); Remote Sensing Computation Applications; Optical Communication for Remote Sensing; High Performance Computing for Remote Sensing; Lidar Technology in Remote Sensing; Satellites and Remote Sensing; Geolocation of Radio Frequency Signals; Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Image Process Modeling; Quality of Remote Data (spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal resolutions); Remote Sensing Tools and Software; Sensor Calibration; Applications of Remote Sensing; Remote Sensing for Solar Energy Forecasting; Turbulence Modeling and Simulation; Climate Prediction Models

Satellite/space communications-based applications

Satellite-based disaster recovery; Satellite-based large-scale sensor-networks; Satellite-based power grids monitoring and control; Satellite-based remote eHealth; Satellite based alarm systems; Satellite-based sensing and data mining; Satellite-based weather forecast; Satellite-based earthquake surveillance; Satellite-based environmental surveillance

Radar systems

Radar systems analysis and modeling; Radar and signal processing; Short range FM radar; Millimeter-wave radar targets; Radar reflectivity (land and sea); Radar system performance modeling; Interception and analysis of radar signal


Antenna design and communications; Adaptive antenna and phased arrays for radar and communications; Smart antennas; Radioware propagation and antennas for personal communications; Dielectric resonator antennas; Multiantenna wireless communications systems; Antennas and propagation for body-centric wireless communications; Ultrawideband antennas; Mobile antennas systems; Parasitic antennas for cellular communications


Radio resource management and dynamic spectrum sharing; Platforms and architectures for cognitive radio; Access schemes; Wireless network co-existence; Ultra-Wideband cognitive radio system; Interference metric modeling; Beamforming and MIMO for interference avoidance; Anti-jamming channel coding; QoS provisioning and MAC protocols; Self-organizing mesh networks and autonomic communications; Multi-resolution channel sensing algorithms


Electronic warfare target location systems; Statistical multisource-multitarget information fusion; Multisensor data fusion; Multimodel surveillance; Military applications

Galaxy-scale satellite communications and exploration missions

Planetary exploration management; Space astronomy advances; Solar-terrestrial sciences; Space life sciences and mission monitoring; Space physical sciences and satellite communications; Operational space medicine; Human exploitation of space resources


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